The Curator's Lab

Learning from this year’s resolutions (and making next year’s even better!)

Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

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I can’t believe December is already half way gone! From August onward, it feels like time sped up like crazy. And with the end of the year right around the corner, we all start thinking about resolutions for next year. There’s a post here on the blog on how to write resolutions you’ll really keep. If you haven’t read it yet, check it out!

But before thinking about next year’s resolutions, it’s important to remember the ones I chose for this year. It’s an interesting process to see the progress I’ve made and also to identify what I’d change for next year (be that the regarding the resolutions themselves or the process I created to keep track of them).

This is the list of questions I’m following to check in with my resolutions for this year. Do you remember yours? If you do, how about going through this list with me?

What were your resolutions this year?

I think I got a little carried away and chose too many! But three of my resolutions for this year were:

What’s the current status of each resolution?

How much progress was made on each one? Well, this is when it’s really important to be honest with yourself, so here we go:

What method did you choose to keep track of your resolutions?

I chose to write my resolutions down (both on a note on my phone and on a piece of paper) so I wouldn’t forget them. My first resolution was the most abstract, so the only concrete measurement of progress were the photos I’ve taken on my latest trips. The second is much easier to see: by the number and consistency of my posts on the blog and on Instagram. For the third, I should have done a better job writing down all the books I read, but at least I have a borrowing history on the Libby app and a list of books my book club read this year.

What would you change about your resolutions and/or the way you kept track of them?

Even though I wrote my resolutions down, the keeping track part was done entirely in my head. I wish I had taken more notes, and spent more time reflecting about them throughout the year. This is one of my goals for next year! Scheduling a resolution check in every three months to go over my progress.

Now that you know how the year unfolded, are your resolutions still relevant? Do they encourage you to grow as a person?

Absolutely! My resolutions were incredibly relevant, and several of them were part of a larger objective. None of them were so big or abstract that they weren’t measurable; and none of them was so small it didn’t have a positive impact.

Is it worth creating a version 2.0 of any of your resolutions to continue growing, or does it make more sense to create new ones?

The temptation to start fresh is so strong! But I’ve been reflecting on mine, and think that for some it’s better to adapt instead of starting from scratch.

What were your resolutions for this year, and how are they going? What other questions are you asking yourself to measure your progress? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Stay curious,
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